Chat Rooms

Page of the VME: Overview

The "Chat Rooms" hyperlink allows you to access many features regarding the various chat rooms in your event.

Edit the Name of any chat room

  • To edit the the name of the chat room, click on the "edit" button next to the chat room you would like to rename.
    • This will rename the "Welcome to..." at the top of the exhibitor chat box to include the chat room name if the chat room is an exhibitor chat room.
    • This will rename the chat button above the video player in the session room and will display the first 12 characters of the chat room name if the chat room is a session chat room.
    • This will rename the chat room in the chat room listings in the Chat Lounge if the chat room is neither a session chat room or an exhibitor chat room.

Activate/Deactive any chat room

  • To deactivate a chat room (i.e. make it inaccessible to attendees in the live event) click on the "[deactivate]" button next to the chat room you would like to deactive.
  • To re-activate a chat (i.e. make it accessible to attendees in the live event) click on the "[activate]" button next to the chat room you would like to re-activate. Please note that all chat rooms are active by default upon their creation.

Scheduling messages in any given chat room(s)

  • To schedule a message in a chat room click on the "view" in the Messages column for the chat room(s) you would like to schedule the message in.
  • Enter the user name that you would like to appear next to the message in the "User Name:" field.
  • Enter the message text that you would like to appear in the message in the "Text:" field.
  • Enter the date and time that you would like the message to be delivered in the chat room in the "Date:" field. Please note that the time must be in the following format and is in Eastern Time (Eastern Daylight Time or Eastern Standard Time depending on the time of year). MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM
  • Click "Save Message"


Chat Log(s)

  • To view the chat logs for any given chat room(s) click on the "View" in the Messages column for the chat room(s) you would like to view all of the mesasges for. This will provide you with the user who sent the message, the date and time the message was sent, and the message that was sent in the chat room.

Deleting message(s) inside of any chat room(s)

  • To delete a message inside of any chat room click on the "view" in the Messages column for the chat room(s) you would like to delete the message from.
  • Click "[Delete]" next to the message you would like deleted from the chat room(s).

Location in the VME: Overview:

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